The lights dimmed and the kids wandered off stage but Nyla scooted toward to center stage and spread her arms as wide as they would go and took a power bow. There she stood, alone on stage in the dark bowed down to applause. I thought they were going to have to drag her off stage but she finally stood up and smiled and ran off. It was a night I will never forget. She beamed and Daddy gave them both flowers. I was proud not because she remembered her steps and danced well but because her happiness that night was contagious.

P.S. Thank you all for the hair advice. In the end we did the old-fashioned rag curls because those were most similar to the soft spikes that Sasha suggested and they worked like a charm.
Hubby has a nice tush. Girls are adorable.
oh my gosh. that one needs a frame. and a spot in a magazine. (the one of them with their daddy)
Pamela!! You crack me up! Thank you-I totally agree.
That is too funny. I don't even know you or your girls and I can just picture Nyla up there, taking her bow. I can only imagine the pride you must have been feeling for both of them! I'm sure it was a very memorable evening for all of you!
And the hair looked great and seemed to hold up well. Good call Mama!
I don't think they could be any cuter ... and you must be so proud!
A power bow! The OCD, the straight hair, the dancing and performing....Nyla is SO a child after my own heart! I love her!
So flipping cute! And, the pic with G? You HAVE to frame it!
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I know you are swamped with wedding season and all that fun jazz, but just wanted you to know I miss your posts!!
Hope you're all doing well!!
Where are you??
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